opendataval.dataval.dvrl package#


opendataval.dataval.dvrl.dvrl module#

class opendataval.dataval.dvrl.dvrl.DVRL(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: DataEvaluator, ModelMixin

Data valuation using reinforcement learning class, implemented with PyTorch.



hidden_dimint, optional

Hidden dimensions for the RL Multilayer Perceptron Value Estimator (VE) (details in DataValueEstimatorRL class), by default 100

layer_numberint, optional

Number of hidden layers for the Value Estimator (VE), by default 5

comb_dimint, optional

After concat inputs how many layers, much less than hidden_dim, by default 10

rl_epochsint, optional

Number of training epochs for the VE, by default 1000

rl_batch_sizeint, optional

Batch size for training the VE, by default 32

lrfloat, optional

Learning rate for the VE, by default 0.01

thresholdfloat, optional

Search rate threshold, the VE may get stuck in certain bounds close to \([0, 1]\), thus outside of \([1-threshold, threshold]\) we encourage searching, by default 0.9

devicetorch.device, optional

Tensor device for acceleration, by default torch.device(“cpu”)

random_stateRandomState, optional

Random initial state, by default None

evaluate_data_values() ndarray#

Return data values for each training data point.

Compute data values for DVRL using the Value Estimator MLP.



Predicted data values/selection for training input data point

input_data(x_train: Tensor, y_train: Tensor, x_valid: Tensor, y_valid: Tensor)#

Store and transform input data for DVRL.



Data covariates


Data labels


Test+Held-out covariates


Test+Held-out labels

train_data_values(*args, num_workers: int = 0, **kwargs)#

Trains model to predict data values.

Trains the VE to assign probabilities of each data point being selected using a signal from the evaluation performance.


argstuple[Any], optional

Training positional args

num_workersint, optional

Number of workers used to load data, by default 0, loaded in main process

kwargsdict[str, Any], optional

Training key word arguments

class opendataval.dataval.dvrl.dvrl.DataValueEstimatorRL(x_dim: int, y_dim: int, hidden_dim: int, layer_number: int, comb_dim: int, random_state: RandomState | None = None)#

Bases: Module

Value Estimator model.

Here, we assume a simple multi-layer perceptron architecture for the data value evaluator model. For data types like tabular, multi-layer perceptron is already efficient at extracting the relevant information. For high-dimensional data types like images or text, it is important to introduce inductive biases to the architecture to extract information efficiently. In such cases, there are two options: (i) Input the encoded representations (e.g. the last layer activations of ResNet for images, or the last layer activations of BERT for text) and use the multi-layer perceptron on top of it. The encoded representations can simply come from a pre-trained predictor model using the entire dataset. (ii) Modify the data value evaluator model definition below to have the appropriate inductive bias (e.g. using convolutions layers for images, or attention layers text).




Data covariates dimension, can be flatten dimension size


Data labels dimension, can be flatten dimension size


Hidden dimensions for the Value Estimator


Number of hidden layers for the Value Estimator


After concat inputs how many layers, much less than hidden_dim, by default 10

random_stateRandomState, optional

Random initial state, by default None

forward(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, y_hat: Tensor) Tensor#

Forward pass of inputs through value estimator for data values of input.

Forward pass through Value Estimator. Returns selection probabilities. Concats the difference between labels and predicted labels to compute selection probabilities.



Data covariates


Data labels


Data label predictions (from prediction model)



Selection probabilities per covariate data point

class opendataval.dataval.dvrl.dvrl.DveLoss(threshold: float = 0.9, exploration_weight: float = 1000.0)#

Bases: Module

Compute Loss for Value Estimator.

Custom loss function for the value estimator RL Model. Uses BCE Loss and checks average is within threshold to encourage exploration


thresholdfloat, optional

Search rate threshold, the VE may get stuck in certain bounds close to \([0, 1]\), thus outside of \([1-threshold, threshold]\) we encourage searching, by default 0.9

exploration_weightfloat, optional

Large constant to encourage exploration in the Value Estimator, by default 1e3

forward(pred_dataval: Tensor, selector_input: Tensor, reward_input: float) Tensor#

Compute the loss for the Value Estimator.

Uses REINFORCE Algorithm to compute a loss for the Value Estimator. pred_dataval is the data values. selector_input is a bernoulli random variable with p=pred_dataval. Computes a BCE between pred_dataval and selector_input and multiplies by the reward signal. Adds an additional loss if the Value Estimator is getting stuck outside the threshold.




Predicted values from value estimator


1 for selected 0 for not selected, bernoulli random variable


Reward/performance signal of prediction model trained on selector_input. If positive, indicates better than naive model of full sample.



Computed loss tensor for Value Estimator

Module contents#